Synonym: bed, crawl in, go to sleep, hit the hay, hit the sack, kip down, retire, sack out, turn in. Similar words: to begin with, globe, bedroom, tobacco, a bed of roses, motor, photo, go together. Meaning: v. prepare for sleep.
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121, The children are to go to bed by 8 o'clock.
122, Don't forget to turn out the lights when you go to bed, okay Annie?
123, Put the light out before you go to bed.
124, Let's have a nightcap and then go to bed.
125, Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.
126, Putout the light before you go to bed .
127, Dad: It's homework time now. Go and do your homework and then go to bed.
128, If it is a time when children go to bed molar common stomach originally there roundworm or eat too much indigestion.
129, I am again at work upon hillside and the sun is again to go to bed.
130, Little little sister, you go to bed, I give you a silver dollar.
131, Appetite often arises afternoon, when cooking, mix before go to bed, right now, you should eat some of natural low adipose food, dredge appetitive is best one of method are motion.
132, " Free body" be can with free associate with you, did not get married, did not betroth, have no fixed partner, did not go to bed with other people, single, only and person whom you associate.
133, Insomnious patient wants as far as possible the habit of seasonable go to bed when education is Mondayish.
134, Next male in those days wells get bit of flesh wound, in home go to bed.
135, Pierrot, Harlequin, and Columbine will go to bed late this evening.
136, Play with a murky sky over a dark earth frenziedly , do self thing , go to bed then attentively first!
137, If you start to exercise and really tire out your body, you will be nice and exhausted when it comes time to go to bed.
138, Children tend to go to go to bed and wake up later during the summer, and altering this cycle can be difficult, note experts at the University of Florida, Gainesville.
139, The watchman does not go to bed till past midnight.
139, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
140, Do not browbeat yourself with guilt if you need a nap, or if you need to close the books and go to bed because you are not getting enough sleep.
141, If need to put a word in bed cover on the first go to bed cover and the tools and turning on a bed cover plate.
142, I often have to take soporific before I go to bed.
143, The children will go to bed on Christmas Eve under protest.
144, Sometimes little children become attached to an object. It may be a blanket or toy they hold close when they go to bed or when they get scared or hurt.
145, If you go to bed when you're just tired, you probably won't be able to fall asleep, Krakow says.
146, I wash and rebind my feet every night before I go to bed.
147, I am dog-tired today; I'd better go to bed now.
148, So I have to go to bed early for welcoming the dingdong tomorrow morning.
149, I'm a night owl and seldom go to bed until after midnight.
150, But it's not as simple as forcing yourself to go to bed earlier (you can't make a wide-awake brain sleep).
More similar words: to begin with, globe, bedroom, tobacco, a bed of roses, motor, photo, go together, a lot of, protocol, go to sleep, go to pieces, dichotomy, so to speak, photograph, photography, photographer.